Monday, June 23, 2014

6/19 First Impressions of Moscow

Alright – so I haven’t posted anything in a while, but that's because we’ve been going on these ridiculous walking tours and then bus tours all over Moscow. Not only that, fatigue has hit everyone and no one can stay awake for all the activities that we have. I think everyone is very close to their physical limit after getting 3-5 hours of sleep and then following up with about 6 hours of walking each day. I had some of my impressions and snippets of my ideas so I have compiled them below.

On the flight over from Berlin, I sat next to Professor Nepomnaschy and spoke about Rocky IV(the boxer) and how his Russian competitor has all the technology and intense regimented training program in comparison to rocky who training alone and with only his determination to win. The same thing type of plot occurs in in the movie BeerFest in the beer competition between the Americans and Germans, when the Americans are competing against a superior team with better equipment. In reality, Americans have had just as many, it not more resources and technology than everyone else and we are always looking for a method to incorporate the under dog story. Going abroad has been enlightening to how I perceive myself as an American and my cultural take on everything.

Future Beer Drinking Technology

During my flight I had to stand up on two different occasions and I accidentally stepped on the foot of the Russian man sitting behind me.... twice... while getting out of my seat. When we were done with our flight I stayed seated to wait for the people around me to leave and I feel a bag hit my head. Whether it was an accident or not, we'll never now.

When in line for customs I was cracking jokes with my friends and laughing and before I knew it I had gotten to the red line where they as the next person to wait. I then look up and see three Russian custom officials ladies with stone cold expressions. I immediately wipe the smile from my face and step forward to the counter. I hand in my passport and my heart almost stops. This female version of Putin stares back and forth between my face and passport scrutinizing every detail of my face for a match. I feel beads of sweat roll down my face. She types into her computer and looks back at me again and then stamps my passport. I let out sigh of relief and walk through the gates. Our friend Juhno had left 200 roubles in his passport and the customs official accepted it as a bribe

When our bus arrived to transport us from the airport to the hostel, Emiliano our Russian expert, commented on how in Russia the roads looked like they were large clearings in the forest. This was very different from Germany, where urbanization was the primary focus and all the greenery looked manicured and fake. As the forest cleared, we drove on a central highway from the outskirts of the city and saw an incredibly ugly apartment complex high rise. And then another. And then a row. Then rows on both sides. Then in every direction that you could see. In the socialist model you can see the attempt at utopia, but the resulting dystopia and ugliness on the city outskirts. There was nothing unique on any street except on occasion there were extremely beautiful and ornate churches.

Beautiful Socialist Housing
 En Route to Moscow

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